Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Yeast Infections Pt 1

understanding the problem

Many dogs (and cats) get ear infections. Some are chronic and extremely painful. Many veterinarians will treat ear infections with antibiotic or anti-fungal ointments. In some cases this is necessary, but not always.

Any ear infection will present with the following symptoms:

1. Odd smell, cheesy/bread-like/foul

2. Debris or Wax filling the ear canal and the inner part of the ear.

3. Persistent ear shaking and/or scratching.

4. A minor to severe head tilt.

It is irresponsible for any owner to treat an assumed problem without having it tested first!

If you suspect your pet has an ear infection, take it to the vet. They will do a Ear Cytology in which they take a sample of wax from deep in each ear canal, place that wax on a slide and look at it under a microscope.

Most likely, your pet has a yeast infection. Once diagnosed you can start treating!

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