Honey - Natures Sweet Deal Pt. 2
Valenteen is a seven-year-old chow chow mix. She injured her left hind leg, traumatizing the skin to such an extent that the tendons and ligaments of her hock were exposed.
Due to Valenteen's health she was not a safe candidate for anestestised surgical closure of the wound.
Her treatments began as a routine clip and clean of the affected area, followed by a thorough washing with a mild - detergent less soap. After cleaning the wound a bandage was applied (sterile absorbent telfa pad, cast padding, gauze and Vet Wrap)
Valenteen was then put on a general antibiotic (cephalexin) for two weeks to prevent infection in the wound.
Bandage changes were done every other day to keep the wound clean while it was healing.
After two weeks the wound had not healed as anticipated. At this point a Veterinarian at the practice decided to try a holistic approach to heal the wound.
Using all natural honey with the above bandaging method and schedule, the leg slowly began to make progress. Over the course of four weeks Valenteens leg was back to normal
pictures soon to follow